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I like to observe and photograph animals and then paint them in a particular setting.

©2014-2025, Aline Ménard
©2014-2025, Aline Ménard
©2014-2025, Aline Ménard
©2014-2025, Aline Ménard

Just before you can see my paintings, a few words on this galery:  


> Click on the pictures in the lists to enlarge them.

> The titles preceded by an asterisk (*) are part of private collections in Canada and United States.
The other paintings are available for purchase.

> I do commission painting :  In that case, I discuss with you the subject of interest, size of the painting, price and payment terms. A certificate of authenticity is issued for each painting.

> All reproduction rights of the works are reserved exclusively to the artist.

> For more information go on Contact .

Good visit !

Site last update : May 14 2023
©2014 à 2025 Aline Ménard Artiste - Pastels : Aline Menard - Site by : Louis Veillette
©2014-2025, Aline Ménard

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